Start a Thermal Imaging Business -Start a Thermal Imaging Business - » Category » Building Inspections Different Ideas and Uses for Thermal Cameras Mon, 09 May 2016 06:05:52 +0000 en hourly 1 Home and Building Inspection Information Thu, 07 Jun 2012 09:55:13 +0000 admin Here is a list of the top questions and solutions about home building inspections and common issues around the home.

(You can send in your question via the ‘contact us’ link if it’s not already answered below)


What walls do you insulate:

All external walls for heat loss purposes, and any internal wall for noise reduction/heat loss purposes.


How to read a building inspection report:

If you read through it and are in any doubt, pass it to a lawyer just incase it’s a major issue. Alternatively sit down with the inspector to get a better idea of the scope of any issues found and potential costs to repair. Leave no doubt before making a decision!


How much it costs to reclad a plaster home?

Allow anywhere up to $1,000 + per square meter. This will vary based on access, condition of timber etc. Get 3 quotes.


How to fix a leaking cantilever deck?

Cantilever decks normally leak through the waterproofing or where the joists penetrate through the external building envelope. If it’s leaking into the external wall, then get it sealed fast! Your timber framing could be rotting. Otherwise, you may need to re-waterproof the deck depending on the nature of the leak. Could also be window joinery or drain hole leaking?


Does insulation dry out?

Yes and no. If you have an external wall with no cavity system then the insulation probably won’t dry out any time soon because there is no air circulation in the wall. You could also have a build up of moisture in the wall due to condensation in the wall! A recent study in the USA showed that wet insulation can take up to 10 yrs to dry out properly! If it’s too wet, pull it out and replace it before the framing gets damaged.


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